If you have been diagnosed with gum disease, Dr. Matthew Pavlovich may use AIRFLOW® MAX technology to help fight the disease and improve your oral health. This advanced technology works to thoroughly clean your teeth, providing you with a highly precise and comfortable treatment which removes disease-causing biofilm. PNW Dental is one of the only offices in Oregon to feature this technology. To learn more about AIRFLOW MAX in Bend, Oregon, and schedule your consultation with our dentist, please call us today at 541-323-3930.
One of the most important ways to keep your gums healthy is by making and keeping regular appointments for dental cleanings. These routine cleanings remove plaque and tartar from above and below your gumlines. Your mouth also contains naturally occurring bacteria, which colonize on your teeth and gums and become a substance known as biofilm. Biofilm can be curtailed by regular dental visits and good oral hygiene at home, but poor oral hygiene may lead to a buildup of biofilm, which in turn contributes to tooth decay, gum disease and other problems. AIRFLOW MAX therapy provides the most efficient biofilm management possible and offers a highly effective solution for periodontal therapy.
AIRFLOW MAX is an advanced cleaning and air polishing treatment and is often used as part of guided biofilm therapy. It uses a combination of air, water and specially formulated powders to eliminate biofilm and disease-causing bacteria from your mouth. Your AIRFLOW treatment is delivered using a small handheld device. This device applies a controlled, pressurized stream to your teeth and gums to remove surface stains, plaque, tartar, bacterial deposits and food deposits. It can be applied above and below the gumlines.
Benefits of AIRFLOW therapy include:
- A faster treatment —AIRFLOW can clean your teeth eight to 12 minutes faster than traditional periodontal cleaning treatments.
- A more comfortable treatment — The stream of water is soft and warm, providing maximum effectiveness with minimal discomfort. AIRFLOW also reduces sensitivity.
- A more versatile treatment — AIRFLOW can reach all areas of your mouth easily and is safe and effective on every oral surface, including implants, orthodontia and restorations.
- A treatment which promotes periodontal health long-term — The powders used in AIRFLOW treatments are formulated to inhibit bacterial growth in the future, working to prevent the development of gum disease.
For more information about AIRFLOW MAX and to schedule a consultation with our dentist, please contact our team today.

Around Brackets


In Pits and Fissures

On Primary Teeth

Tongue and Palate